I read an Instagram post, the other day, where this girl talked about how much she hated her job. She said, “that on Sunday evenings she cries at the thought of going to her job on Monday.” This statement instantly struck something within me, and I became very sad. People who are living lives of quiet desperation just so that they can “earn their living” and hopefully make it to the holy grail known as Friday.

In the United States, we work an average of 40 hours a week, 160 hours a month and 1,920 hours a year. For some people paid vacation is nonexistent, time with your children is usually reserved for the car ride to school and the state of your marriage can be compared to two ships passing in the night. Rightfully so, the end of your week is sacred. It’s one of the only time you can truly be yourself and own your time and activities for the day. But Is this what life is really about? As a society has the weekend become the reward for sacrificing our time for dollars and cents? And counting down the days until Friday has become the new normal as if it was New Year’s Eve?

“People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer and all life for happiness”

So what do we do? How do we have a healthy work-life balance without feeling depleted of our energy by Friday? Through this simple practice. BE HERE NOW. There have been times, in my own life, that I would find myself Mentally rehearsing my day, week and even month. Whether it be figuring out what to cook for dinner, the girl’s trip I will take in two months, bills that need to be paid and which color I should pick for my next Mani and Pedi. This seemingly never-ending to-do list got me thinking. How arrogant am I to believe I will live to see tomorrow or even the next hour to accomplish these tasks on my to-do list?? This realization hit hard because for the first time I realized that mentally I was so far in the future that I lost sight of the real gift that was right in front of me. The present.

I believe in life it is so easy to get lost in future events that may never take place. This, in my opinion, is a very dangerous place to live. Why? Because you will end up missing out on life moments that are staring you right in the face. Like your 18-month-old daughter that loves to smother you in hugs and kisses, the phone call you received from your mom just to chat about the young and the restless, or that rainbow peeking through the clouds just after a summer rain. Those moments. Those priceless moments that you rush pass on your way to Friday. The ones you may never get back.

I get it guys. For many of us, Saturday and Sunday is the only time we can truly get that much needed R&R. But I am posing a challenge to each of you, including myself. Starting today let us change our perspective and more importantly our words on how we approach each day. Instead of giving gratitude to the universe for Friday, let us celebrate EACH day with thanksgivings. So T.G.F.T.M!

“Thank God For This Moment”

Love & Light

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  1. This was such a great read Tiffany.I woke up this morning thinking the same thing, and now reading this..it’s conformation I need to slow down and live in the now, challenge accepted.

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