
The whispers can speak to you in many different languages. It can speak to you in the form of a book, blog, tv show and most of all through experience. Experience will always be the loudest whisper of them all.

An Energy Vampire is anything or anyone that has the ability to drain you of your energy instead of replenishing it. Someone that will drink the last drop of your simply lemonade and leave the empty container in your refrigerator. Yeah that person

In a society of “survival of the fittest” this superpower and our unique individuality seems to get diluted in the muddy waters of comparison. Comparison in the guise of wanting something to be different than what it currently is. 

Fear is the lowest vibration to be in. It is the mental highjacking of our consciousness. A tactic so eloquently used to divide and conquer.

Intention is essential to creating our future. Without it, we will create a life by default and settle into a life that was handed to us by someone else. To simply put it: What we intend, we become.